Article by Katarzyna Majer-Gębska on investment recommendations for IDM Bulletin
10.07.2024 / News / Capital Markets
The latest Bulletin published by the Chamber of Brokerage Houses is now available. The july issue features an article by our expert. Katarzyna Majer-Gębska – Legal Counsel and Managing Counsel in the Capital Market Law Department at Sadkowski and Partners – addresses the issue of the relationship between marketing communication and investment recommendations under the MAR Regulation.
About the article
Our expert mainly discussed the following issues:
– marketing communication of investment firms
– investment recommendations under MAR
– ESMA warnings related to the publication of recommendations
– draft position of the UKNF
We encourage you to read the entire article in the latest issue of the Bulletin!
Full version of the IDM Bulletin >> link
17.04.2024 / News
Katarzyna Majer-Gębska and Mikołaj Górny to lead an online training session for IDM