Katarzyna Majer-Gębska and Mikołaj Górny on crowdfunding platforms for Infor.pl

28.08.2024 / News / Capital Markets

The case of Polskie Destylatornie sp. z o.o., whose loan campaign was deemed by the President of UOKIK to violate collective consumer interests, serves as an excellent opportunity to remind us of the principles that should guide crowdfunding. So, how should effective and legal crowdfunding be conducted?

Our experts 

This issue has been discussed in an article for Infor.pl by:

About the article 

Our experts answer questions such as:

  • How to conduct crowdfunding in compliance with the law?
  • Is it worth conducting a campaign without a crowdfunding platform?
  • Where can you find a list of supervised crowdfunding platforms in Poland?


We encourage you to read the full article!

Read the full article >> link 

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