Labour law is a dynamic branch of law that constantly evolves, taking into account the changing social and economic conditions of the Polish labour market. Employers, HR professionals, individuals involved in shaping policies and remuneration settlements, as well as those managing employees, must be familiar not only with the latest regulations in the field of individual and collective labour law or social insurance law. They must also consider, among other things, intellectual property law, personal data protection, protection of personal rights, and tax law to the extent that the provisions of these branches of law relate to employment.

Specialising in labour law requires not only knowledge of regulations and legal acts but also skills in analysis, negotiation, and resolving ongoing issues within the employment relationship, including workplace conflicts. This is an area of significant importance both for individuals and companies, because it regulates fundamental rights and obligations related to employment, shaping relationships between employers and employees and influencing the creation of a positive company image in the labour market.

Our team consists of qualified lawyers with extensive experience in providing comprehensive legal services to employers in the field of labour law, representing clients during inspections conducted by relevant authorities, including the State Labour Inspectorate (PIP), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Border Guard, Personal Data Protection Office (UODO), as well as representing parties in disputes before labour courts.

For many years, we have been advising entities from industries including but not limited to transportation, services, FMCG, trade, manufacturing, logistics, finance, and banking.

The lawyers of the Labour Law Department at Sadkowski and Partners stand out for their individual approach to clients and openness to the unique needs of businesses and the challenges arising from interpersonal relationships and different interests of the parties. As a result, we provide effective and personalized legal solutions that take into account the specific nature of each situation, even in the most challenging cases requiring interdisciplinary knowledge and many years of practical experience.

Our team receives awards every year in both Polish and international law firm rankings in the field of labour law / employment. We have been recognized, among others, in The Legal 500 EMEA ranking, Forbes magazine ranking, Rzeczpospolita daily ranking, and the Legal Award ranking organized by The Lawyers Global.

In the field of individual labour law, we provide the following services in particular:

  • we advise on ongoing employment matters and crisis situations, including difficult terminations, imposition of disciplinary penalties, violations of occupational health and safety rules in the workplace, and workplace accidents,
  • we prepare and review drafts of documents related to the termination of employment contracts: termination agreements, notices, termination statements without notice,
  • we advise on the employment of key employees and members of company boards, with particular emphasis on analysing the form of employment and preparing contract drafts, 
  • we advise on ‘soft’ HR issues, including matters related to whistleblower protection, protection of employers’ and employees’ personal rights, mobbing, and discrimination,
  • we recommend and implement solutions that allow the introduction of working time systems tailored to the specific nature of the employer’s business,
  • we advise on overtime hours calculation and the work of mobile employees,
  • we implement regulations enabling remote work and advise on current issues related to remote work, including from abroad;
  • we implement codes of ethics and procedures to prevent undesirable situations in employment,
  • we advise on the delegation of employees abroad and remote work from foreign locations,
  • we prepare and review cooperation agreements with temporary employment agencies and service providers (outsourcing agreements),
  • we conduct HR due diligence, 
  • we conduct audits to ensure compliance with the law in the employer’s operations before a planned inspection,
  • we advise on tax law issues related to employment,
  • we advise on intellectual property rights, unfair competition, and confidentiality protection in employment relationships,
  • we advise on personal data protection in employment-related matters,
  • we conduct open and closed training sessions, webinars, and business breakfasts for employers, employees, HR departments, and management personnel,
  • we represent clients and provide advice on matters related to inspections, especially those conducted by the State Labour Inspectorate (PIP), Tax Office, and Social Insurance Institution (ZUS),
  • we represent clients in court proceedings throughout Poland.

In addition, in the field of collective labour law, we provide the following services in particular:

  • we prepare and review draft internal documents, such as collective bargaining agreements, regulations on work, compensation, company social benefit funds, remote work, group layoffs, voluntary departure programs, anti-mobbing procedures, and others related to ongoing personnel management,
  • we support employers in cooperation with trade unions and employee councils, including European works councils,
  • we support employers in negotiations with trade unions,
  • we provide support and representation in collective disputes,
  • we advise on employment restructuring projects, including collective redundancies and voluntary exit programs,
  • we conduct training for employers, union representatives, works councils, and social labour inspectors,
  • we represent clients in court proceedings throughout Poland in the field of collective labour law.

In the field of social insurance law, we provide support in the following ways:

  • we advise on social insurance law in areas related to employment, including matters related to the calculation of the base and amount of contributions for social and health insurance,
  • we represent clients and advise on issues related to Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) inspections,
  • we offer legal assistance in preparing appeals against decisions issued by Social Insurance Institution ZUS,
  • we represent clients in administrative proceedings before the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), including cases related to the base for calculating contributions and the amount of contributions for health and social insurance, investigation proceedings, as well as in court proceedings resulting from appeals against ZUS decisions throughout Poland.

Our team is ready to assist even in the most complex cases. Do not hesitate and contact us now!



20.06.2024 / Awards

Sadkowski and Partners received a distinction in the 22nd Rzeczpospolita Legal Firm Ranking

13.06.2024 / Successes

Win in court – dismissal of union-protected employee

29.03.2024 / Awards

We have been recognised in The Legal 500 EMEA 2024 ranking

Our publications

18.09.2024 / News

Marcin Frąckowiak on Workplace Dress Code for

22.07.2024 / News

Ewelina Miłobędzka on dividing leave into short periods for

18.06.2024 / News

Marcin Frąckowiak on the Senate’s amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act

10.06.2024 / News

Marzena Łabędź on the proposal to remove provisions regarding labour inspectors for

06.06.2024 / News

Ewelina Miłobędzka on job abandonment for

18.04.2024 / News

Marcin Frąckowiak on the Whistleblower Protection Act for

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