Magdalena Sienkiewicz
She has extensive experience in representing clients in criminal proceedings, with a particular focus on economic criminal law. She advises clients on assessing the risk of potential criminal liability. She has participated in so-called investigative audits and in assessing compliance with AML/CFT obligations, as well as examining the status of obligated institutions.
To date, she has been involved in criminal proceedings concerning, among others, crimes against the credibility of banking documents, money laundering using new technologies, and computer crimes. She has participated in investigative audits and in evaluating compliance with AML/CFT obligations and the status of obligated institutions. She has represented clients in cases involving mismanagement by company boards, managerial bribery, crimes against creditors, bank fraud, obstruction of claims, inaccurate documentation, abuses, and insider trading. She specializes in developing, implementing, and monitoring the operation of internal compliance procedures, as well as conducting compliance audits and supporting clients in organizing internal investigative proceedings.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Białystok. As a volunteer, she provided legal advice at the Student Legal Clinic of the University of Białystok.
In 2021, she completed the legal training program at the District Bar Council in Warsaw and obtained the professional title of attorney-at-law.

Strong points
Criminal Law
Criminal Law