Adrian Kaczmarzyk

Trainee Advocate

Since his third year of studies, he has gained experience in Warsaw law firms, particularly focusing on commercial law. 

During his studies, he completed a one-year course in American law organized by the Center of American Law Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in cooperation with Emory University and Georgia State University. For nearly two years, he was a member of the Scientific Circle of Capital Markets Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, participating in numerous conferences and workshops on business and commercial law.

A graduate of law from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. PhD student at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Currently, a trainee advocate at the Warsaw Bar Association.

Strong points

Private Debt / Private Equity

Private Debt / Private Equity

Trade & Commercial Contracts

Trade & Commercial Contracts

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