Ignacy Strzałkowski
Trainee Advocate
He specialises in criminal law, including fiscal and misdemeanour law. He represents clients before courts, law enforcement agencies and tax authorities at every stage of the case, including enforcement proceedings. He analyses and advises on the aspects of criminal law risks.
He is interested in broadly understood forensic and criminological sciences. Co-author of the paper: ‘Media społecznościowe jako źródło dowodu w polskim procesie karnym. Badanie orzecznictwa sądów apelacyjnych i Sądu Najwyższego’ (social media as a source of evidence in Polish justice system: Analysis of the judgments of apellate courts and Supreme Court), which is part of the monograph: ‘Media Społecznościowe w pracy organów ścigania’ (social media in law enforcement agencies practice), Wydawnictwo Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, Warszawa 2021.
Since his academic years, he practiced in law firms in Warsaw and at the Criminal Law Division of the Office of the Ombudsman, where he gained several years of experience in various legal fields..
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, holder of the Dutch Rijksuniversiteit Groningen scholarship. He is undergoing advocate training at the Warsaw Bar Association.
Strong points
Criminal Law
Criminal Law