Marcin Frąckowiak
Attorney-at-law with over 10 years of experience in the field of labour law. He manages a team of lawyers in the Labour Law Department in Katowice, Częstochowa and Kraków. An expert of the Business Center Club in the field of individual and collective labour law. Winner of the Rising Stars award for Lawyers – Leaders of Tomorrow (2019).
In his practice, he deals with, among others, strategic consulting in the processes of restructuring, transformations, transfer of all or part of the workplace to a new employer under Art. 23[1] of the Labour Code, due diligence in the field of labour law, drawing up regulations and agreements on collective rights and obligations of parties to the contract of employment, establishing company social benefit funds, negotiating agreements concluded with social organisations and representing employers in collective disputes with trade unions.
He represents employees and employers in proceedings before common labour courts throughout Poland and before the Supreme Court. He has successfully conducted cases in relation to claims related to: mobbing, discrimination, sexual harassment, unequal treatment in employment, payment of benefits related to the contract of employment and cases related to employees’ claims in connection with termination of employment, reinstatement and compensation. He also successfully conducted disputes concerning accidents at work and occupational diseases.
Author of one of the most popular blogs in the field of labour law: Author of numerous publications in the field of labour law in scientific magazines, such as: Monitor Prawa Pracy and Kwartalnik Prawa Pracy, as well as in the media (for example, on internet portals, newspapers, television). A valued lecturer at trainings in the field of labour law for entrepreneurs. Originator and speaker of the “Paths of labour law” of the Polish Association of Human Resources Management (PSZK).
Graduate of the University of Silesia in two fields of study: law (5-year MA studies) with honours and sociology (3-year BA studies). PhD candidate at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Member of the Katowice Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law.

Strong points